General Policies

I am self-employed and will perform my duties by appointment in a private office in my residence.

A waiver must be completed before any body transformation. If you wish to review the document before your appointment, you can request a copy. However, it must be completed on site.

I choose my clientele and reserve the right to refuse a client at my convenience.

You must be 18 years or older. We can tattoo/pierce a person of minor age if parental authorization is signed on site by a parent or legal guardian.

It is important as a client to know precisely what they want, before discussing a tattoo/piercing project.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE ON ANY TATTOO FOR THE PERIOD FROM JUNE TO SEPTEMBER INCLUSIVE. The sun and swimming are strongly discouraged for a minimum period of two weeks after the creation of a tattoo. To find out more details about the guarantee, ask the manager. This may be subject to change.

It is the client’s duty to express themselves well when explaining a tattoo/piercing type project, so that it can be taken care of in accordance with their wishes.

In the event of a project involving a text, a word or something similar, it is the client’s responsibility to revise its spelling, regardless of the language or phonetics used to carry out the project.

The client must respect all instructions issued by the tattoo artist/piercer regarding the care to be given to the tattoo/piercing following the procedure. (A sheet explaining the instructions will be given to the client).

The safety of the customer’s or their guests’ clothing is not guaranteed. Tattooing/piercing is an art that can stain.

Any person with one or more so-called other health conditions, such as * Pregnant or breastfeeding woman, person receiving chemotherapy, person with a physical or mental disability, etc. * is responsible for informing the AliceStudio administration. before making an appointment. Certain conditions may follow.

The client is 100% responsible for their tattoo or piercing upon leaving the studio. However, he can call our team members if he has any questions.

The colors of the tattoo may vary after it has healed.

Pricing policies

The base price of a tattoo at Alice Studio is $200 before taxes.

Pricing is billed at $173,95 per hour before taxes. (Price may be subject to change).

Pricing begins at the start time of the appointment agreed with the artist. The delays are loaded.


The price of a tattoo is always estimated. This estimate may vary once on site.

It is impossible for the tattoo artist to give an EXACT price.

Reservation and appointment policy

To reserve a place for the implementation of a tattoo/piercing, a deposit of a minimum of $100 is required for a tattoo session and $20 is required for a piercing session.

The customer is entitled to 30 minutes late. Beyond this limit, he will lose his deposit.

The customer must notify 48 working hours before the appointment date in order to cancel or reschedule it. If he misses the deadline, he will lose his deposit.

In the event that the client changes his or her mind about the project agreed upon with the tattoo artist and the deadline of 48 hours before the appointment date has passed, the artist has the right to refuse the project and the deposit will be lost. (Not valid for drilling)

Sessions are organized in fixed time blocks of maximum 4 hours. In the event that the client postpones the session earlier than planned for personal reasons, he will lose his deposit. (Not valid for drilling)

Children are unfortunately not allowed as chaperones as the sessions are too long for them.

The client undertakes to respect the date and time of the appointment agreed with the artist from Alice Studio.

In the event of equipment breakdown, illness or any other reason disrupting the functions of the Alice Studio tattoo artist/piercer, the latter has the right to move the client’s appointment for the client’s well-being. and the project in the making.

In the event of a potentially life-threatening storm, flu symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19, a car accident, an unscheduled doctor’s appointment (emergency) or the death of a person in the client’s family, the client has the right to cancel his appointment after the required 48 hours, without losing his deposit. This will then be considered as a credit in the customer’s name. The customer must, however, notify the Alice Studio administration of the problem as soon as possible.

If the customer does not show up for the appointment, they will lose their deposit.

The client must understand that a meeting place for a tattoo has a monetary value of around $600 to $800 depending on the size of the project. If the customer claims to have inconveniences other than those described above and preventing them from showing up for their appointment after the required 48 hours of cancellation, AliceStudio asks the customer to incur a slight monetary loss of $100 (the deposit) so that his tattoo artist suffers a lesser monetary loss caused by the customer’s inconvenience.

Interac transfer

It is possible to make your deposit by Interac transfer, with the following email address: The customer must notify the Alice Studio administration when the transfer is made and give the answer to the secret question. Otherwise, the deposit cannot be considered received. Reservations are made upon receipt of the deposit.

Online shopping conditions

No gift certificates, jewelry or other related or single-use or personal use products can be refunded.

Products purchased online will be delivered within a period of three business weeks, using a postal service.
In the possible event that a product purchased online does not reach its destination, AliceStudio undertakes to return the product (this excludes gift certificates and numbered tickets).

In the possible event that a product purchased online does not reach its destination following a second attempt, it is very likely that the shipping problem comes from the buyer’s address. AliceStudio therefore undertakes to keep the product in store so that the buyer can come and collect it whenever they want.

In the possible event that article 2 of this online purchasing policy occurs during a second order, AliceStudio will automatically keep the products in store so that the buyer can collect them whenever they want, thus avoiding other inconveniences following a potential address problem.
In the possible event that a gift certificate purchased online does not reach its destination, AliceStudio undertakes to keep the amount deposited as customer credit, so that the customer can come and use it on site whenever they want. seems.

In the possible event that one or more numbered tickets purchased online do not reach their destination, AliceStudio undertakes to keep the number(s) to the owner thereof, and to transmit them to him using an electronic service.

In the possible event that a product arrives damaged, AliceStudio asks the buyer to return the product using a postal service and undertakes to return a suitable product (while stocks last).

In the possible event that a product arrives damaged and is unfortunately no longer in stock at AliceStudio, AliceStudio undertakes to contact the buyer in order to offer them an equivalent or lesser product, or a credit of equal value which he can use directly in store.

In the possible case that a product arrives, but is not of the size or thickness desired by the buyer, the latter can return the product using a postal service to AliceStudio and accompany it with a letter explaining the buyer’s concern. AliceStudio undertakes to measure the product and contact the buyer so that the buyer can obtain a product of the right size (while stocks last). During this possibility, the product must be in new condition (neither twisted, nor worn, nor used in any way) otherwise, AliceStudio reserves the right not to respond to the buyer’s appeal. .

In the possible case that a product arrives in the wrong size or thickness and is unfortunately no longer in stock at AliceStudio, AliceStudio undertakes to contact the buyer in order to offer them an equivalent or lesser product, or a credit of equal value that they can use directly in store.